Pressure & Vacuum Gauges Calibration
Aussie Dinkum Calibration offers Precise and accurate pressure measurements are essential to our customers’ in-process safety, compliance, and management efficiency. Our absolute pressure, gage pressure, and low pressure vacuum capabilities and traceable to NATA, and whether we’re calibrating your pressure transmitters, deadweight testers, pressure gauges, or transducers, you can be assured that our hydraulic and pneumatic pressure calibrations will be performed with satisfactions. Aussie Dinkum Calibration offers traceable calibration services for all varieties of manometers and barometers including the calibration of digital manometers, wet / wet manometers, and precision barometer calibration from manufacturers of like Druck, Dwyer, Extech and Meriam, etc..
in-house & on-site calibrations are available.
- Magnehelic gauges
- Industrial Pressure & Vacuum gauges
- Differential Pressure & Vacuum Gauges
- Pressure & Vacuum chart recorders
- Oxygen pressure & vacuum instruments
- Dial Gauge Indicators
- Pressure transducers, controllers and Transmitters
- Manometers
- Multi-Probe instrument
- Pinch Gauge
Pressure & Vacuum Gauges Calibration Services in Melbourne
Aussie Dinkum Calibration provides accredited calibration service of all types of pressure & vacuum gauges, manometers, barometers and more.
Our experienced team offers a range of calibration services from traditional to the latest pressure gauges. We ensure that pressure & vacuum gauges remain accurate; for this, our professionals advise that pressure gauges should be calibrated at regular intervals.
Our team of experts work in Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and across Australia.
To discuss your in-house & on-site calibration requirements, call our qualified staff on 1800 808 777 or email